
Well it is February and I'm planning my gardens!
I received my Elderberry cuttings from 

With cold and flu season in full swing there is 
relief and healing from Elderberries.
Elderberries are known for the prevention of
an upper respiratory infection and helps to 
shorten the duration of a cold or the flu.
The berries help coughs, sore throats, asthma and flu.

Elderberries do grow wild here in Missouri.
Commercial elderberry crops are becoming more popular however.
Elderberries are used for wine making, dietary supplements,
jams and pies.

My personal interest in growing Elderberry bushes
is the medicinal properties of the berries and the flowers.
A great way for you to learn about making 
herbal remedies is to join our monthly group meetings
here at Heritage Home~Place.
Our 'Lifestyle of Living' health and wellness group
meets on the first Tuesday of each month.
It is a fun hands-on learning experience!
Follow us on Facebook to stay in touch with what 
we are doing at these meetings.
Follow us on Facebook.



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